Alexander Nayve
Alexander D. Nayve serves as the Community-led Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (CoLMEL) advisor for Salanga. Alex has a Bachelor’s degree in science specializing in Biology and a master’s degree in Disaster Risk Management.
He comes from the Philippines with experience in community development work since 1996, and DRR and humanitarian aid since 2006. Serving in various capacities, he has worked for NGOs such as the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM), PLAN, CARE, Save the Children, Fundacion IPADE, Christian Aid, and ADRA Philippines. Working for these NGOs exposed him to direct implementation and partnership-based programming approaches for projects that spanned the sectors of natural resource management, child-centred community development, integrated conservation and development, disaster relief, early recovery, rehabilitation and resilience, maternal and child health and nutrition.
He was drawn to monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) during his work with PRRM, CARE, IPADE, Christian Aid and ADRA Philippines. This earned him exposure to the design and MEL practices of these organizations, and their donor proposal development and reporting requirements. He started testing participatory quality monitoring approaches in projects with ADRA Philippines – and is now bent on pursuing his interest in ColMEL with Salanga and its implementing partners.