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26 Sep

New Feature! Latest Improvements and Fixes (July – September 2023)

We are excited to announce that we have added some new features that will take your analysis and reports to the next level!

You’ll now find a rich text editor on the Analyze Data page. This tool allows you to enrich the analysis of your indicators, adding rich text, pictures, videos, and external links that can also be added to your Reports. You can easily copy and paste formatted text to and from Word.

For example, Valeria Pesce, Digital Innovation and Partnership Facilitator, from the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), used the rich text editor to provide context and depth to her indicator analysis by including a chart from the calculation of another indicator that is not in her project’s official logframe.

We know that providing context is crucial in monitoring and evaluation, and this new tool makes it easier than ever to communicate your findings with clarity and precision. See the example screenshot of this feature below, where the “Results Analysis” field on the “Analyze Data” page has been populated with additional explanation and images related to the indicator:

Screenshot of the Kinaki Analyze data page showing additional analysis of baseline results in the 'Results Analysis" field

The “Result Analysis” field in the Project Report now has a quick preview and can be displayed in an overlay window in its full-length. Users can easily copy + paste formatted text to and from Word.

Read about all of the other updates and fixes in our Knowledge Hub.

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