Case Study:

Streamlining M&E Within a Health Project Addressing Gender-Based Violence

Learn how ADRA Kenya leveraged Kinaki as the centre point for day-to-day evidence-based project management, reporting and the “One Source of Truth” across all project team members.




Implementing Partners


Team members using Kinaki

0 +

People the program supports and collects data on

ADRA Kenya

Organization Size:

50+ employees

Organization Focus:


The challenge

ADRA  didn’t have a systemic way to store monitoring and evaluation related information and to easily conduct indicator analysis consistently over time. Reporting periods were difficult as team members had to replicate data analyzed by consultants at the baseline study to ensure consistency at the project endline. Confusion could also occur among the multiple project partners about the most up-to-date project documents to use and Excel files were prone to errors.


The solution

ADRA Canada implemented Kinaki to bring together all their project and program monitoring and evaluation related data and documentation. Using Kinaki to facilitate data collection, analyse data and produce reports.


The outcome

Now ADRA Canada staff and their ADRA partner offices around the world can instantly access the most up-to-date project documents, work collaboratively on data collection tools, and aggregate data across their projects to report on the collective impact. 

Deep Dive

ADRA Canada supports multi-country programs and works in collaboration with their international ADRA offices and other local partners. Their rigorous standards for monitoring and evaluation requires that they have systems in place to support effective teamwork amongst all the partners. They leverage many tools to support this collaboration, including Kinaki.

The challenge:

Without a centralized system for managing monitoring and evaluation, reporting and handover to new staff was challenging. Gaps in institutional memory had an impact on the efficiency of their work as it could be difficult to find original Excel files, replicate indicator calculations and sometimes partners would work off out-of-date documents if someone hadn’t stored the latest updates correctly.

ADRA Canada and their partners were undertaking life-changing work, and the administrative management of monitoring and evaluation was taking away time that could be used for for more in-depth analysis of data to inform project implementation.

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The Solution:

ADRA Canada wanted a solution that would allow them and their partners to store project data, analyze data and produce reports more easily and reliably. They wanted something user-friendly that would enable collaboration with their multiple partners and meet their donor’s requirements. It was 2012, and digitization of monitoring and evaluation was still a concept gaining momentum. ADRA Canada was an early adopter of using a cloud-based technology to improve their systems and chose Kinaki because it ticked these boxes.

Key ADRA Canada staff members worked closely on Kinaki to mainstream it through their monitoring and evaluation systems and, with support of Salanga staff, trained their partner offices through a mixture of virtual and in-person training sessions.

Now, ADRA Canada and its partners have direct access to project documentation, data collection tools, analysis and results online, anytime.

The Outcome: More efficient monitoring and evaluation

Kinaki has helped to improve efficiency, transparency and communication around monitoring and evaluation. Instead of searching through emails and files for the most recent documents, Kinaki maintains the record of the finalized data collection tools and data collected. Different user permissions give the right people the access to the right information.

Kinaki is used by partners within the implementing countries to collect and analyze data. Partners use KoboCollect when they need to collect data offline on mobile devices, like household surveys. When the data collection is complete, it’s imported into Kinaki for analysis.

When data can be entered online, partners use Kinaki’s Online Forms. This is particularly effective for project officers or M&E staff to input data, replacing paper record sheets or Google Forms.  

With Kinaki’s Programs feature, ADRA Canada aggregates results across their multi-country projects to report on indicators that contribute to the Program-level logic model.

Consultants are still occasionally hired for report writing and assistance with larger surveys, but the data is stored an analyzed in Kinaki allowing the team to understand how the data is analyzed and save the calculations for comparisons to future survey results.

While reporting periods are still a busy time of year, more time can be spent on the interpretation of the results and adjusting plans to project implementation.

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