See all your projects in one place

Improve information management within your organization.

illustration showing a person looking at a charts with results

What Our Clients Say

Easily accessible and tailored reports

Access reports customized by your team to report on indicators for donors, key indicators necessary for you and other senior managers, or any other audience.

Include not only quantitative data but qualitative data and analysis to provide context and understanding.

Share and access reports through a simple link.

Screenshot of data and disaggregations in Kinaki

Promote a culture of learning

We don’t restrict the number of users in your organization.

Give your team members the right access to the right projects to promote a culture of learning and data-driven decision making.

Case Study:

ADRA: Unifying M&E in multi-country projects

photo showing people wearing ADRA shirt in a community meeting

Consistently measure results

You don’t need to be a data scientist to calculate simple or complex indicators. 

Calculations are saved so you can rest assured that indicators will be calculated consistently across the lifetime of the project.

Save indicators in the Indicator Library to calculate the same indicators across all your projects.

Screenshot of analyzed survey results showing small charts comparing progress to target and a results table
illustration showing transition in human resources

Ease staff transitions

Changing team members is inevitable – especially over the course of multi-year projects.

Kinaki supports smooth transitions by keeping all your data, analysis and reports organized and easy to find.

Our large library of support resources (e.g. courses, videos and knowledge hub) as well our live chat, helps new staff get up to speed quickly.

Secure data and report storage

No more data sets getting lost or files mislabeled. Store your data sets securely and track changes.

Easily find the data you need to compile board and donor requests.

Revisit past years’ data and reports to compare progress.

picture showing selected Kianki features like charts, maps, forms and project logframe

Is Kinaki the right fit for you?

Book a discovery call, we’d love to chat!

illustration woman happy running over clouds

You are not in it alone!

We have a toolbox of resources available to ensure your get the most out of Kinaki

illustration showing two people helping each other

One-on-One Support

Work with our M&E experts to get tailored support and training.

Self-paced courses

We offer self-paced online courses to help you learn Kinaki in-depth and onboard new team memebers.

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Live Chat

Use the live chat to get fast help and support.

illustration showing chatting bubbles

Video Tutorials

Watch our video tutorials to get to know each of Kinaki’s features.

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Online user guide

Our searchable user guide covers any question you might have about Kinaki.

illustration showing laptop with charts