Watch Kinaki Demo Tour Videos
Psssttt… You can have a sneak peek of a Kinaki Demo Project, which will be soon available to all Kinaki users. We created videos that will give you an overview of how Kinaki works, what it can do for you, and how your project may look like in Kinaki in a few days.
The first video will take you on a journey with Kinaki. It will set the scene showing you how Kinaki can help you to design a Project Logic (Logic Model) for your project.
The second video shows how to build Indicators while connecting them to the Project Results. This page may be familiar to you as PMF or Logframe.
In the third video, we will get an overview of how Kinaki can be used for collecting and importing data and how it works with third-party mobile offline data collection apps like Kobo, ODK and many other.
The fourth video will take you on data and results in the analysis and reporting journey. Let Kinaki shine in your data analysis and reporting.
And there is more. We are working on a demo tour through our programs and data and results in aggregation across projects or even organizations. Come back soon to learn more.