Kinaki in CanWaCH’s Global Health Impact Report

What you will learn:

global health impact report

We are honoured to have our work featured in the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) inaugural Global Health Impact report.

Through this report, CanWaCH aims to “capture the breadth and depth of Canadian contributions to global health and gender equality data, research, and evaluation.”

Our work with ADRA Canada in the EMBRACE project is highlighted. ADRA uses Kinaki for household survey data analysis and visualization and reporting on project-level indicators. As the report says “[i]n the Philippines and elsewhere, Kinaki has provided a useful comparison for Local Government Units’ Health Score Cards: here, discrepancies in data between reports were identified through the tool, leading to insightful conversations among stakeholders.”

ADRA has been one of the pioneering users of Kinaki, which is now used in over 10 ADRA offices around the world.

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