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Tag: M&E tool

laptop on the old black wooden desk with Kinaki logo in background
Latest Updates and Fixes Jan-April 2023

We’ve been making lots of updates and fixes in Kinaki this year. We asked our team which updates they’re most excited about. Here’s what they

Why use Monitoring & Evaluation Software

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a core function for any organization or project that seeks to measure its progress and impact over time. However, managing

Free webinar on how to choose the right digital MEAL tools
Free Webinar June 2, 2022

Join us for a free 1-hour live webinar on June 2 at 10am EST on “How to choose the right digital MEAL tools” In this

A new approach to meal design
A New Approach to MEAL Design

When do you start planning your data collection tools? As MEAL (monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning) practitioners we’ve become experts at designing SMART indicators, gender-sensitive