Our goal is to make Kinaki accessible to organizations of all sizes and budgets. You can select a Kinaki subscription on a monthly or annual basis, with different benefits to fit the needs of your organization.
The content displayed will change based on your selections, for what features are available and what cost they may be. Please contact us at community@kinaki.ca directly for a firm costing to match your needs
Using Kinaki on a Free Plan, you can design your project from scratch – with a logic model, PMF and custom dashboards for different projects and programs in your organization.
With our Project Plan, you can build on your project design to begin data collection, storage and create custom reports. With monthly or annual payment structures, you can build a comprehensive profile for your project.
Available with an annual payment, our Unlimited Plan will give you full access to Kinaki’s unique features! With access to as many full projects as you need, you can develop extensive Programs and organize your global operations.
You can learn more about Kinaki’s full list of features – available with all Paid Projects – on our website. Contact us at community@kinaki.ca to learn more and discuss your options.