Adjusting the Project Logic

Note: Any changes made to the Project Logic will impact your entire project! Results are tied to Indicators, and many changes will be irreversible change the project. Keep this in mind with your adjustments!

To change the names or number of the levels use the settings button above the Project Logic on the right. Here you can rename the levels, add a new level, and delete levels as you need.

To view the different languages of the Project Logic, use the language selector on the top-right. Translations can be manually created by clicking the edit (pencil) button on the selected item and changing the text.

To export the Project Logic, click the export button and choose your format.

To comment on the Project Logic, use the comment box at the bottom of the page.

To view your Problem Tree next to Project Logic, click the “View Problem Tree” button below the Project Logic on the left. Once you click this button it will change to “Hide Problem Tree” and it can be used to again adjust the Problem Tree.

To edit a result that was already added to the Project Logic click the pencil button at the top-right corner of the project result’s tile.

To delete a result that was added to the Project Logic simply click the X button at the top-right corner of the project result’s tile. Only results that do not have any lower-level result belonging to them can be deleted.

The Project Logic page is available for translations! This can allow you to view different project languages on the same document. Just add the necessary translations to your document.

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