Preparing Data for Import

If you used Kobo or SurveyCTO (or another service) to collect your data, you will need to first download your data from that service.

  • For Kobo, you will want to export the data in an XLS file and you will be downloading the data using the XML values and headers format. Follow the directions on our Knowledge Hub for downloading your data or watch video 2 on our Kobo Tutorial page for step by step guidance on the process 
  • You will also want to clean the data before importing it to Kinaki. Take a look at video 3 on our Kobo Tutorial page to learn how to clean your data both within Kobo and after it has been exported.
  • For SurveyCTO, you will want to export the ‘Wide format’ in the ‘.xlsx (for use with Excel)’ format (see image below):

If you are using the Kinaki Data Format, ensure you have the data file ready to import.

A few points to note when you are cleaning or data have chosen Kinaki Format for importing data after using a service or data collection tool like Harvest Your Data or another service other than Kobo or SurveyCTO:

  • Ensure that there are no spelling errors or extra space/s between two words. For example, in Question Type if you have “Single    Choice” (there are two spaces between the two words) instead of “Single Choice”, you will face issues with data import. Also, simple spelling mistakes like “Signle Choice” instead of “Single Choice” will also lead to an error. 
  • Ensure that you are following the correct Kinaki question type format or labels. For example, Kinaki recognizes “Single Choice” as an option, but if you have “Single Select” in your file, it will give an error. In the image below, 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.

Now that you have your data ready, let’s import it to Kinaki.

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Importing Data