Complex Calculations: Using Disaggregations Only

We covered simple calculations and data analysis in the previous articles: let’s go over some special cases and complex calculations and how to work with them in Kinaki!

Note: How data is organized affects how you set up your calculation

Depending on how your data has been collected can affect how you will set up your calculation in Kinaki. Commonly we see data in two formats, which are easiest to describe if we think of how they would look like in an Excel table or how it appears on the “DataManagement” page in Kinaki:

  1. Data from individuals are recorded in individual rows: Data that has been collected from individuals and each response is recorded independently (e.g. if you asked individuals to fill out a survey after anevent or training asking about their level of satisfaction).
  2. Data from activities/events/trainings are in individual rows: Data that is entered by a Project Staff member or facilitator will often have each activity/event/training recorded in aseparate row and the data on individuals who participated in the event are aggregated within that row (e.g. the facilitator records the total number of women and men who participated).

Data that meets the second criteria requires setting up the calculation in Kinaki in a slightly different way, let’s explore!

Special Case for Analyzing Training Data

This case is relevant when you’re analyzing data where disaggregated numbers are recorded as separate columns, such as in the case of the data below. We often see this when data on Training events is being collected. As you can see, the total number of participants, total number of female, male and other participants are in different columns and each row represents a training. You may also get this kind of data if you use a grid question in an Online Form.

In this case the “Calculate Results for” field needs to stay empty, because the calculation is done separately for each disaggregation line. You can, however, use the “Filter results by” field if you want to further refine the sub-set of data you want to analyze:

Currently, the detailed results for these types of questions do not load and you will see a spinning wheel (this will be fixed in future Kinaki developments):