Navigating in Kinaki

The Main Menu is on the left-hand side of the page. This is where you can switch between the main pages of Kinaki, like Design Project and Collect Data.

The Secondary Menu is along the top. Once you are within a main page (ex: Design Project), you can switch between the tabs in the Secondary Menu related to that page (ex: Problem Tree, Project Logic, and Indicators).

Make sure you complete the Navigational Tour when you first sign up – and if you get lost – always go back and check where you are in the Main Menu!

Other elements to note are:

Organization and Project Selector → where you can switch between organizations or projects (at the very top of the page)

Settings → where you can access settings about the page you are on (top right -hand side of the page with the gear icon)

Help → Where you can get to the Knowledge Hub (next to Settings and Languages in the top right)

• To access your personal settings, click on your name on the top-right of the page and then on “Settings”. If you need help, go to My Account

• To log out from Kinaki, click on your name on the top-right of the page and “Logout”.

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