Data Management for Data Import

Congratulations – you’re on the last step of importing your data to Kinaki!

Now that you have imported your data set you will be taken to the “Data Management” page where you will see your imported data under “Active Data Sets” select “Submit Data for Analysis” to ensure that the data is available for you to use on the “Analyze Data” and “Reports” pages.

You will be asked to name the data set. Ensure you give it an identifiable name so you know where the data came from and when it was collected or what time period it covers.

If this is the first data set you’re importing for this Data Collection Tool, go to the “Analyze Data” page to set up your indicator calculations!

If you’ve already set up your indicator calculations and you can head over to “Reports” and add this data set to your report to see how it compares to previous data sets.

Under the Data Management tab you can review the data included as part of your “Active Data Set” and can also find previous datasets that have been archived or submitted. 

While there are notable differences in the data collection process for Data Import, the Data Management page is very similar to other sections. To learn more about this process, visit this article on Data Management in Kinaki

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