Languages and Translations

With Kinaki, you can create projects with multiple languages. You can add, edit, or delete the project languages in the Project Settings. To access this page, click on your name on the top-right corner, then “Settings”.

Once you’re on the Settings page, you can see all the projects you have access to.

Select the project you wish to edit the language for, and click on the “Edit” button next to the name of the project. This will open a project pop-out box where you can edit project details.

• To translate your text, switch to the language you want to be working in. The page will show all the items that have been translated already, and for those that haven’t, you will see “language code: translation missing {Your original text}”. By clicking on the indicator, you can edit the text and it will save as the new language translation.

• You can translate most of the text/items on the Problem Tree, Project Logic, Indicators, and Questions pages.

• Within Problem Tree and Project logic pages, you can translate the names of the levels through Settings, changing the language of display from the top right hand corner and click on the level you wish to edit.

• You can translate most of the text/items on the Problem Tree, Project Logic, Indicators, and Questions pages.

• Within Problem Tree and Project logic pages, you can translate the names of the levels through Settings, changing the language of display from the top right hand corner and click on the level you wish to edit.

• You can select the language of display in the language selector on the top-right of each page.

• To delete a language, click the “x” next to the name of the language within the project pop-out box. Confirm the change by selecting “update”.

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