User Types and Rights

There are four types of different users within Kinaki, each with a different level of rights in terms of what functions they are able to utilize. 

Not sure which type of user account you are? Check here or contact us at to confirm! 

User TypesRights
Member • View all Project features 
• Create personal indicators for individual tracking and analysis 
Project Admin • Add, change and create all Project features 
• Add or delete members in the Project 
• Change the Project details for the dashboard 
Program Admin• Add, change and create all Program features 
• Add or delete members in the Program
• Change the Program details for the dashboard 
Organizational Admin • Add, change and create all Project and Program features 
• Add or delete users in the Project, Program or Organization 
• Change the Project, Program and Organizational details for the dashboard 
• Change user rights within the Organization 

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