Set indicators for Manual Results Input

As Manual Results Input forms focus only on results, there are no traditional questions in a Manual Results Input form. To create entries of the Questions page, you must attach the DCT to a series of Indicators

1. Visit the Indicators page under Design Project

2. Edit the details of your Indicators by selecting the title.

3. In the pop-up window, add your MRI Form as a data collection tool. 

4. This may be best suited as a secondary DCT, so you can still measure future values with another tool. 

5. Return to Collect Data. On the Set Indicators tab, you will now see any indicators that are attached to this DCT from the previous page. 

As a first step, review all of the indicators listed on this tab. Should all of these indicators be measured with data gathered from this Data Collection Tool? Are there any indicators missing? If so, go back to the “Indicators” page under “Design Project” and assign this Data Collection Tool to the appropriate indicators. If all of the indicators are correct, you can begin adding Questions/Data Entry.

To begin, select an indicator. A pop-up window will appear where you can select the Input Field Type (i.e. the type of data you want entered for this indicator). You can select from the following:

Question Types in KinakiDescription
Single ChoiceThe respondent can select one response from a list of possible answers.
Multiple ChoiceThe respondent can select any number of responses from a list of possible answers.
TextText can be inputted as answer.
Minimum and maximum number of characters required can be adjusted.
NumberA number can be inputted as an answer.
The type of number can be specified (e.g. Percentage or Fraction)
Note: if you collect results directly entered as percentages only, these results cannot be aggregated at the program level.
DateA date can be inputted as an answer.

Additionally, you can add:

  • Instructions for the person entering the data: This ensures they enter the right kind of data and understand the information you need entered.
  • Results disaggregations: Select “Add Disaggregation” to add a new field and label it with the information that should be entered. Each Disaggregation you add will appear as a new field to be entered in your form.

Once you have added input fields and instructions for each of your indicators, you are ready to go to “Design Form”.

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