Remote Collaboration

Using Kinaki, you can collaborate with colleagues and partners across the globe!

Kinaki is a cloud-based service, meaning you can access your organization files from anywhere with stable internet access.

For international development organizations, it is important to be able to connect with others around the world.

With Kinaki, you can design your project’s monitoring and evaluation components, integrate data collection services through online surveys or third-party app integration, analyze your findings to share with colleagues, and develop comprehensive reports for donors.

Here are some of the ways that Kinaki supports remote collaboration:

Invite colleagues to your project or program

This will allow new users to join Kinaki as members or project admins. With other admins, each colleague can make changes to the design, data collection, analysis, and reports on both projects or programs. To learn more about this, visit the User Types and Rights page.

Share your project with another Kinaki organization

By sharing your program or project you can invite others to review or edit your work and offer feedback. When sharing a project, the original Organization will retain ownership of the project, but Organization Admins from another organization will have the project listed in their project selector.

Design key pages in Kinaki with multiple languages

Adding manual translations will allow users to view your work in other languages and provide greater accessibility of your monitoring and evaluation activities. Simply add a language to your project, change the language on a relevant page, and edit the text to fit the language of your choice. Kinaki is also compatible with Google Translate’s URL services, which will translate the user interface from English!

Programs in Kinaki can allow for oversight of multiple projects

This allows users to collaborate on context-specific details that can be used to create a broader understanding of your organization’s portfolio and progress with aggregated or calculated Program Indicators. An common example of this is a dedicated project that tracks outcomes from a single country that is part of a multi-country program with the same funding umbrella.

There are some limitations to remote collaboration with Kinaki:

Kinaki does not currently offer live collaboration

This means only one person can work on a specific item at once. For example, when calculating an Indicator on the Analyze Data page, you must save your work to allow a colleague to see the calculation and results. Other forms of live collaboration, such as use of Microsoft Suite with Sharepoint/OneDrive services, or Google Apps with Google Drive, are compatible with Kinaki and may bridge the gap.

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