Account Settings

To access your general account settings, click on your name in the top right-hand corner of Kinaki, and select “settings” from the drop-down menu.

Here you can manage and edit your personal profile, including changing your security question, change your password, or delete your account.

To edit profile, click the “Edit” button at the top-right of the page. After you are satisfied with the changes, you can save them using the “UPDATE” button.

You can set a security question using the button “+ Security Questions” filling in the form and clicking “UPDATE”.

To change password, click “+ Update Password”. After you fill in your old password and twice the new one, you can finalize the change by clicking “UPDATE”.

You can request your account to be deleted by clicking “– Request Delete” and confirming with “Ok”. Your account will be deleted manually by the Kinaki team. If you wish to take your request back, please send an email to the Kinaki team as soon as possible.

Check out Chapter 1 of this video to learn more!

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