Set Form Details for KoBo Form

The Set Form Details tab is unique to KoBo Toolbox Forms. Third-party services use unique values to determine the progression of the form (logical flow), as well as other custom details. 

You can learn more about this process at  

Here are a few relevant columns, and their XLSForm description, that are used with Kinaki: 

RelevantAbility to skip question, as directed by string input.$typesyntax{label} = ‘response’
ConstraintLimitations for response entry. . <= # 
Constraint MessageThe text description (hint) of the constraint.Respondents must provide a under #.
RequiredSelection for which questions must be completed to proceed (cannot be skipped).  ☑
AppearanceThe method for how KoBo will display your question format.Learn more.
CalculationSimple mathematical calculations used within the form.${label} * #

These values will have little impact on the Kinaki experience, but can help you with creating a holistic vision of your KoBo Form! Be sure to carefully consider each entry (string) and consult the XLSForm guide, or KoBo Toolbox Support, for more details. 

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