Journey #2: Design Project

Welcome to the Project Design Journey! Understanding how to create your first project can be a lot of information to take in at once. Follow along this journey and we will guide you through the process! 

Let’s look at Project Logic first.

Project Logic

If you already have a Logic Model designed for your project and you just want to go ahead and populate it in Kinaki – then you can start right at the Project Logic page. To start learning more read this helpful article: Overview of Project Logic.

Add your “result statements” (Outcomes, Outputs and Activities) for your project, and move them around to fit your needs. The video below goes through all these steps!

You can read the other articles in the series to learn how to build and adjust the Project Logic – the articles are linked below.

Problem Tree

If you need to confirm what your project is aiming to accomplish, try starting out with the Problem Tree

The Problem Tree is where you can think through and visualize the issue you are faced with, in terms of the root causes and effects.   

Once you have your Problem Tree and Project Logic completed – you can see them side by side to make sure they align and make sense.

Read the articles below to learn how to build and adjust the Problem Tree.

MEL Design

Next, you can choose to create your Data Collection Tools (DCTs) on the MEL Design page.

If you have the DCTs in mind that you’ll use for your project, go ahead and set those up manually, or by using the guided MEL Design Wizard, which walks you through the process step by step. 


Let’s move along to the Indicators page. This page is similar to the Performance Measurement Framework, Logframe or Results Framework.

You can start populating your indicators and figure out how you’ll measure the results of your project! This is an exciting stage of your project design, and Kinaki is great for keeping you organized.  

You can add your own indicators and explore the Indicator Library

You can also use this page add another result statements (which will be initially unattached to the Project Logic) or to manually create data collection tools (DCTs)!

You’ll see loads of columns here you can populate. If you get lost, you can always check the settings for the page you are on, or visit the User Guide articles on the specific thing you’re stuck on. 

Next Steps

Once you have set your Indicators, you’ve successfully set up your project! Congratulations!

Now on to the interesting part: collecting and analyzing your data.  Kinaki makes these tasks easy, efficient, and fun. 

If you get really stuck and need support- we are here to help! Just contact us at with your question and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Have you explored the Kinaki Demo Tour video series? It will give you an even better understanding of how Kinaki works, and how you can be most efficient and effective with your time working in Kinaki.

The Kinaki Demo Tour video series is linked below:

Follow along and check out Journey # 3: Data Collection!